The most interesting thing for me was a beaver pond where you could see gnawed off tree stumps, a distinct visual reminder of their presence. I only wish the sun was out to provide better light for photos and take the chill out of the air. Oh well, have to manage with what the day gives you.
I continued to slog through the slop in spite of the conditions, making good time and passing even more beaver ponds. At one particular road crossing, I had to pull out my camera and snap a picture. It was a sign warning hikers, "DON'T BECOME ROADKILL", and someone had taken a black sharpie to draw an animated version of what could happen if you weren't paying attention.. Probably the same joker who'd taken the pen to add an F to another warning sign along the trail, which now read, "CAUTION FLOGGING AHEAD". Both of the signs got me chuckling and left me shaking my head.
Pulled up early at Bromley Shelter. In under the eaves by 5 p.m. I've spent the last two days trudging along in wet shoes and wet socks so my feet are sort of white and wrinkly. They need to do a little drying out overnight so they'll hold up in these muddy conditions. My final thought before lights out was, "I wonder what Tom Levardi's having for dinner." HA!
Busy Beavers
An Embellished Warning Sign
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