The best of the day in my opinion was the Bemis Range, where there was a long walk on the rock slabs up on the high points. The worst might have been the relentless mosquitoes attacking in waves at the lean-to. However, it was hard to determine what was more annoying, the insects or the opinionated A-hole who showed up late and proceeded to set up his tent inside the shelter. There was a large, unoccupied tent platform only a short distance away. Then, after finding out about my ETA at Baxter, without any basis for his words and not knowing me from Adam, said it couldn't be done. How laughable! Red Beard, a southbounder, and I wished we'd both had earplugs to shut out his incessant chatter. As it was, we could only roll our eyes and pretend we were tired as an excuse to turn in early and relieve ourselves of his blather. You'd think that would stop him, but on and on he went in spite of us being curled up in our sleeping bags, eyes closed. Our only option was to simply tune him out and hope for sleep to overcome us.
Headnet Help
Hiker Fare
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