I continued to meet other Sobo thru-hikers, passing them from time to time as we headed in opposite directions. I arrived at Full Goose Shelter and read the log book. Snorkel had signed in early a few days back and had decided to call it a day as she realized she might be suffering a bit of hypothermia because she wasn't thinking clearly. Some comfort to think that I wasn't the only experienced hiker that had been battling the horrid conditions as that storm front passed over. Jack and Natalie (Moose Mash) pulled in an hour later as I thought they might. They were the same Sobo couple I'd spent the day with in Gorham at the White House Lodge and Hostel. They'd been driven off the trail by the storm before negotiating the boulders of Mahoosuc Notch. Bailing out, they'd taken a forest road and got a hitch into town. We'd both left the hostel that morning, but they had had to find a way to return to the place that they'd left the trail to the north of me. We'd been hiking towards each other during the day and now we're both under a different roof for the night. Good Company.
The milestone of the day was that I'm now in Maine, the last state on my journey, with less than 300 miles to go until Katahdin. The end is very much in sight and everyone I've met has said that Maine is their favorite part of the A.T. Super!!!!
View from Mt. Success
Last State Line
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