My footwear became a major concern today because while digging a sharp piece of wood out of the bottom of my shoe, I realized just how thin the soles have become. In addition, I scraped my right shoe over a rock and the rubber separated slightly from the toe. Luckily, it didn't get too floppy, but was obvious it needed some urgent care.
Made it to Unionville after worrying about which of the roads I was crossing was Lott Road. Eventually saw a small wooden sign nailed to a tree indicating I had found the right one. I'd been expecting to be able to camp in the town park, but recent elections meant a new mayor and new rules. No more camping! Too bad for me and four other hikers I'd met in town. Red Ryder and Indiana Jones hooked me up with some Shoe Goo and duct tape as I sat on a chair on the porch of Horler's Market. I can only hope these improvised repairs will last until I reach Kent.
With camping no longer an option, I was left with little choice but to press on to the next shelter. In soft evening light, the trail led around a lovely wetlands area with flocks of geese and ducks out on the shallow water and the ever abundant deer out by the banks of a stream to my right. A truly wonderful evening walk. The trail eventually turned up into the woods, where without too much climbing I soon arrived at Pochuck Mountain Shelter, the lone traveller taking up a space on its flat wooden planks. Two women arrived later, but set up in the tent site with their dog Rover.
Brink Road Shelter
Sunrise Mountain
New Jersey High Point
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