As the day progressed, the trail for the most part ran fast and true with some undulation amidst the trees and through some high open meadows. Colorful wildflowers could be found in the tall grasses and strange mushrooms peeked out beneath the leaf litter in the forest.
At one point I startled a turkey hen which flew off and landed in the nearby woods. Never out of sight, she set up a nervous gobbling, pacing back and forth at a safe distance. Walking up to the place where she had launched herself into flight, I soon found the reason for her raising such a ruckus. There in the plants just off the path was a little chick keeping as still and well hidden as it could, warned by its mother that it might be in danger. I took a quick photo of the baby bird and skedaddled so the mother and child could be reunited.
The track between Thistle Hill and Happy Hill shelter was very fast, especially since the roadwalk through West Hartford was one of the longer ones of the trail. Weathered a brief afternoon shower in the process. I was first in at the shelter (a rarity) and claimed the small loft for my own. Four others arrived later, but were content to occupy the downstairs. I was forced to generously apply a coating of DEET because Happy Hill was quickly becoming Mosquito Hell by dusk. The irksome critters were coming out of the woods in every direction in hopes for a dram of blood.
Final Note to Self: Red Juju Fish are about the stickiest things ever. To protect my teeth and upper palate, I ought not to buy another pack. :-\
Turkey Chick
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